La guerre par le biais de la communication
Contenu de la nouvRICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 365Wired warfare:
Computer network
attack and
jus in belloby
Michael N. Schmitt
thereof, of a “revolution in military affairs”, it is undeniable
that twenty-first century warfare will differ dramatically
from that which characterized the twentieth century.
The tragic terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 and their
aftermath are dominating the headlines at the beginning of the new
century. Perhaps equally remarkable will be the maturing of “information
warfare” as a tool of combat.
on the waging of war, necessitate a revised concept of battle space and
expand the available methods and means of warfare. Of particular note
will be the impact of information warfare on the principles of international
humanitarian law — and vice versa.
In brief, information warfare is a subset of information
operations, i.e. “actions taken to affect adversary information and
information systems while defending one’s own information and
information systems”.
measures intended to discover, alter, destroy, disrupt or
transfer data stored in a computer, manipulated by a computer or
transmitted through a computer.They can occur in peacetime, during
espite ongoing debates about the existence, or lack1 It will challenge existing doctrine2 Such operations encompass virtually any nonconsensualProfessor of International Law, and Director, Executive Program in International
and Security Affairs at George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.
crises, or at the strategic, operational or tactical levels of armed conflict.
affected or protected — information.
Information warfare is narrower. It consists of “information
operations conducted during time of crisis or conflict to achieve
or promote specific objectives over a specific adversary or adversaries”.
Information operations are distinguished by that which is4
by the context in which it occurs — crisis or conflict. Routine
Thus information warfare is differentiated from other operations1 The United States National Military
Strategy cites information superiority as a
key element of its strategy for this century.
“Information superiority is the capability to
collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted
flow of precise and reliable information,
while exploiting and denying an adversary’s
ability to do the same.” Joint Chiefs of
Staff, National Military Strategy (1997),
at n.p. For an excellent collection of essays on
the nature of war in the 21st century, see
Robert H. Scales (ed.),
Carlisle Barracks, Pa., US Army College, 2000.
On the specific issue of information and
conflict, see Stephan Metz,
the 21st Century: The Information Revolution
and Post-Modern Warfare
Pa., US Army College, 2000; William A. Owens
and Edward Offley,
John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore,
2000; Thomas E. Copeland (ed.),
Information Revolution and National
College, 2000; David S. Alberts, John
J. Garstka and Frederick P. Stein,
Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging
Information Superiority
Research Program, Washington D.C., 1999;
Dan Kuehl,
Defence Studies Centre, Australian National
University, Canberra, 1999; Zalmay Khalilzad
and John White (eds),
The Changing Role of Information Warfare
RAND, Santa Monica, 1999; Dorothy E.
ACM Press, New York, 1999; James Adams,>,Future War Anthology,Armed Conflict in, Carlisle Barracks,Lifting the Fog of War,The, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., US ArmyNetwork, 44ISR CooperativeStrategic Information Warfare: A, Working Paper 322, Strategic &Strategic Appraisal:,Information Warfare and Security,The Next World War: Computers are the
Weapons and the Front Line is Everywhere
Simon & Schuster, New York, 1998.
2 Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated
p. 203 (hereinafter JP 1-02). Operations that
might constitute information operations
include operations security, psychological
operations, military deception, electronic
warfare, physical attack and computer network
attack. See Joint Chiefs of Staff,
Doctrine for Information Operations
Publication 3-13, 9 October 1998, at I-9
(hereinafter JP 3-13).
3 At the strategic level, information operations
can be employed to “achieve national
objectives by influencing or affecting all elements
(political, military, economic, or informational)
of an adversary’s or potential adversary’s
national power while protecting similar
friendly elements”. At the operational level,
the focus of information operations is “on
affecting adversary lines of communication
(LOCs), logistics, command and control (C2),
and related capabilities and activities while
protecting similar friendly capabilities and
activities”. Finally, at the tactical level the
objective is to affect adversary “information
and information systems relating to C2, intelligence,
and other information-based processes
directly relating to the conduct of military operations...”.
JP 3-13,
4 JP 1-02,
,Department of, Joint Publication 1-02, 12 April 2001,Joint, Jointop. cit. (note 2), at I-2 – I-3.op. cit. (note 2), p. 203.366
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in bellopeacetime espionage is, for example, an information operation that
does not constitute information warfare unless conducted during a
crisis or hostilities.
Computer network attacks (CNA), which may amount to
information warfare or merely information operations, are “operations
to disrupt, deny, degrade, or destroy information resident in computers
and computer networks, or the computers and networks themselves”.
5The essence of CNA is that, regardless of the context in which it
occurs, a data stream is relied on to execute the attack.
6 Thus, the meansused set CNA apart from other forms of information operations.
These means vary widely.They include,
computer system so as to acquire control over it, transmitting viruses
to destroy or alter data, using logic bombs that sit idle in a system until
triggered on the occasion of a particular occurrence or at a set time,
inserting worms that reproduce themselves upon entry into a system
and thereby overloading the network, and employing sniffers to monitor
and/or seize data.
This article addresses the use of CNA during
inter alia, gaining access to ainternationalarmed conflict and is limited to consideration of
jus in bello, that body5
Targeting Guide
1998, para. 11.4.3, notes the following
information warfare employment concepts:
Corruption – The alteration of information
content; the manipulation of data to make it
either nonsensical or inaccurate. Destroying
existing knowledge.
Deception – A specific type of corruption;
the alteration of, or adding to, information to
portray a situation different from reality.
Creating false knowledge to include masquerading.
Delay – The reversible slowing of the flow
of information through the system, and the
slowing of the acquisition and dissemination
of new knowledge.
Denial – The reversible stopping of the
flow of information for a period of time;
although the information may be transmitted
and used within friendly territory, the adversary
is denied access to it. The prevention of
the acquisition and dissemination of new
Disruption – The reduction of the capacity
to provide and/or process information (reversible).
This is a combination of delay and corruption.
The delay of the acquisition and dissemination
of new knowledge and the
destruction of existing knowledge.
Degradation – The permanent reduction in
the capacity to provide and/or process information.
Destruction – The destruction of information
before it can be transmitted; the permanent
elimination of the capacity to provide
and/or process information.
6 Thus electronic attack (EA) would not
fall within this category. For instance, using
an electromagnetic pulse to destroy a computer’s
electronics would be EA, whereas transmitting
a code or instruction to a system’s
central processing unit to cause the power
supply to short out would be CNA.
Ibid., p. 88. The USAF Intelligence, AF Pamphlet 14-210, 1 FebruaryIbid.RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 367of law concerned with what is permissible, or not, during hostilities,
irrespective of the legality of the initial resort to force by the belligerents.
of “State-on-State” armed conflict. Moreover, the article is an effort to
setting forth
warfare evolves,
existing humanitarian law to computer network attack, and identify
any prescriptive lacunae that may exist therein.
Discussion therefore centres on the use of CNA in the contextlex lata, rather than an exercise in considering lex ferenda.Whilelex ferenda is an especially worthy project as the nature of8 the goal here is simply to analyse the applicability ofApplicability of humanitarian law to
computer network attacks
The threshold question is whether computer network
attack is even subject to humanitarian law.To begin with, there is no
provision in any humanitarian law instrument that directly addresses
CNA, or, for that matter, information warfare or information operations;
this might suggest that CNA is as yet unregulated during armed
conflict. Additionally, it could be argued that the development and
employment of CNA postdates existing treaty law and thus, having not
been within the contemplation of the parties to those instruments, is
exempt from the coverage thereof.A third possible argument for inapplicability
is that humanitarian law is designed for methods and means
that are kinetic in nature; since there is little that is “physical” in CNA,
attacks by computers fall outside the scope of humanitarian law.
97 On CNA and
international law governing the legality of the
resort to force by States, see Michael N.
Schmitt, “Computer Network Attack and the
Use of Force in International Law: Thoughts
on a Normative Framework”,
Journal of Transnational Law
p. 885; Richard Aldrich, “How Do You Know
You are at War in the Information Age?”,
jus ad bellum, that body ofColombia, Vol. 37, 1999,Houston Journal of International Law
2000, p. 223.
8 For a discussion of CNA in the context of
both law and ethics that conclude a new
convention is required, see William J. Bayles,
“The Ethics of Computer Network Attack”,
, Vol. 22,Parameters
9 On this point see Emily Haslam,
"Information Warfare: Technological Changes
and International Law",
Security Law
her discussion of points made in Richard
Aldrich, “The International Legal Implications
of Information Warfare”,
1996, p. 99; and Mark Shulman, “Discrimination
in the Laws of Information Warfare”,
, Spring 2001, p. 44.Journal of Conflict and, Vol. 5, 2000, p. 157. See particularlyAirpower Journal, FallColumbia Journal of Transnational Law
Vol. 37, 1999, p. 939.
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloIn other words, humanitarian law applies to armed conflict, and computer
network attack is not “armed”.
The first two possibilities are easily dispensed with. The
fact that existing conventions are silent on CNA is of little significance.
First, the Martens Clause, a well-accepted principle of humanitarian
law, provides that whenever a situation is not covered by an
international agreement, “civilians and combatants remain under the
protection and authority of the principles of international law derived
from established custom, from the principles of humanity, and from the
dictates of public conscience.”
armed conflict are subject to application of humanitarian law principles;
there is no lawless void. The acceptance of “international custom”
as a source of law in Article 38 of the Statute of the International
Court of Justice also demonstrates the fallacy of any contention of
inapplicability based on the absence of specific
10 By this norm, all occurrences duringlex scripta.1110 Additional Protocol I to the Geneva
Convention of 12 August 1949, and Relating to
the Protection of Victims of International Armed
Conflicts, Art. 1(2), 12 December 1977, 1125
U.N.T.S. 3 (hereinafter Additional Protocol I).
The original formulation of the Martens Clause
in the preamble of the Hague Convention IV
respecting the Laws and Customs of War on
Land, 18 October 1907, 36 Stat. 2295, I Bevans
634, states “the inhabitants and the belligerents
remain under the protection and the
rule of the principles of the law of nations as
they result from the usages established
amoung civilized peoples, from the laws of
humanity, and the dictates of the public
conscience”, reprinted in Adam Roberts and
Richard Guelff,
3rd ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000,
p. 67.
11 The Statute of the International Court of
Justice defines custom as “a general practice
accepted by law”. Statute of the International
Court of Justice, 26 June 1977, Art. 38(1)(b),
59 Stat. 1031, T.S. No. 933, 3 Bevans 1153, 1976
Y.B.U.N. 1052. The United States Restatement
notes that custom “results from a general and
consistent practice of states followed by them
from a sense of legal obligation”. Restatement
(Third), Foreign Relations Law of the United
States, sec. 102(2) (1987). See also
Continental Shelf Cases
p. 44 (“Not only must the acts concerned
amount to settled practice, but they must also
be such, or be carried out in such a way, as to
be evidence of a belief that this practice is rendered
obligatory by the existence of a rule
requiring it.”);
20 S.Ct. 290, 44 L.Ed 320 (1900);
(France v. Turkey)
Documents on the Laws of War,North Sea, 3 ICJ Reports 1969,The Paquete Habana, 175 US 677,The S.S. Lotus, PCIJ (ser. A) No. 10, 1927;Asylum Case (Colombia v. Peru)
1950, p. 266;
Passage over Indian Territory (Portugal v.
comment on customary international law,
see Jack L. Goldsmith and Eric A. Posner,
“Understanding the Resemblance Between
Modern and Traditional Customary International
40, 2000, p. 639; Patrick Kelly, “The Twilight of
Customary International Law”,
of International Law
Anthony A. D’Amato,
International Law
Ithaca, 1971.
, 5 ICJ Reports,Case Concerning Right of, ICJ Reports, 1960, p. 6. For academicVirginia Journal of International Law, Vol.Virginia Journal, Vol. 40, 2000, p. 449;The Concept of Custom in, Cornell University Press,RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 369Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloArguments focusing on the fact that CNA postdates present
prescriptive instruments are similarly fallacious. Precisely this line
of reasoning was presented to the International Court of Justice in
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons
the Court summarily rejected the assertion that because humanitarian
“principles and rules had evolved prior to the invention of nuclear
weapons”, humanitarian law was inapplicable to them. As the Court
noted, “[i]n the view of the vast majority of States as well as writers
there can be no doubt as to the applicability of humanitarian law to
nuclear weapons”.
computer weapons, at least on the basis of when they were developed
vis-à-vis the entry into force of relevant humanitarian law norms, the
same conclusion applies to CNA. Furthermore, a review of new
weapons and weapon systems for compliance with humanitarian law is
a legal, and often a policy, requirement.
so if pre-existing law were inapplicable,
and means of warfare.
This analysis leaves only the third argument for inapplicability
of humanitarian law to computer network attack — that it is not
. In its advisory opinion,12 There being no reason to distinguish nuclear from13 Obviously, this would not beab initio, to nascent methodsarmed
fact, armed conflict is the condition that activates
common to the four 1949 Geneva Conventions provides that they
apply, aside from specific provisions that pertain in peacetime, “to all
cases of declared war or of any other
conflict, at least not in the absence of conventional hostilities. Injus in bello.Article 2armed conflict which may arise12
Weapons (Advisory Opinion)
1996, p. 226 (July , 35
13 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 36: “In the study, development, acquisition
or adoption of new weapons, means or
methods of warfare, a High Contracting Party
is under an obligation to determine whether
its employment would, in some or all circumstances,
be prohibited by this Protocol or by
any other rule of international law applicable
to the High Contracting Party.” For the United
States, the weapon review is required by
Department of Defense Instruction 5000.2,
Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,
23 October 2000, para. It provides,
in relevant part, that “DoD acquisition and
procurement of weapons and weapon systems
shall be consistent with all applicable
domestic law and all applicable treaties, customary
international law, and the law of
armed conflict (also known as the laws and
customs of war)… Additionally, legal reviews
of new, advanced or emerging technologies
that may lead to development of weapons or
weapon systems are encouraged.”
Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear, ICJ Reports,International Legalp. 809, para. 85.op. cit. (note 10),between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state
of war is not recognized by one of them”.
Protocol I, which, like the Conventions pertains to international
armed conflict, adopts the same “armed conflict” standard, one that has
become an accepted customary law threshold for humanitarian law.
14 The 1977 Additional15The fact that the 1977 Additional Protocol II also embraces the term
“armed conflict”,
conflict, demonstrates that armed conflict is a condition determined
by its nature rather than its participants,
formerly the case with “war”, by the belligerents’ declaration thereof.
16 albeit in the context of non-international armed17 by its location18 or, as was19It seems relatively clear, then, that humanitarian law is
activated through the commencement of armed conflict. But what is
armed conflict? Commentaries published by the International
Committee of the Red Cross on the 1949 Geneva Conventions and
the 1977 Additional Protocols take a very expansive approach towards
14 Geneva Convention for the
Amelioration of the Condition of the
Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the
Field, 12 August 1949, Art. 2 , 6 U.S.T. 3114,
75 U.N. T.S. 31 (hereinafter GC I); Geneva
Convention for the Amelioration of the
Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked
Members of the Armed Forces at Sea,
12 August 1949, Art. 2, 6 U.S.T. 3217, 75 U.N.
T.S. 85 (hereinafter GC II); Geneva Convention
Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of
War, 12 August 1949, Art. 2, 6 U.S.T. 3316,
75 U.N. T.S. 135 (hereinafter GC III); and
Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection
of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 12 August
1949, Art. 2, 6 U.S.T. 3516, 75 U.N.T.S. 287
(hereinafter GC IV) (emphasis added). The
Conventions are reprinted in Roberts and
249 respectively.
15 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 1.
16 Additional Protocol II to the Geneva
Conventions of August 12, 1949, and Relating
to the Protection of Victims of Non-
International Armed Conflicts, June 8, 1977,
1125 U.N.T.S. 609, 16
and Guelff,
17 Additional Protocol I deals with conflict
between States, whereas Additional Protocol
II is concerned with conflict between a State
and a rebel group (or groups).
18 Non-international armed conflict occurs
solely within the confines of a single State.
19 Hague Convention III relative to the
Opening of Hostilities, 18 October 1907,
Art. 1, I Bevans 619, 2
International Law
reprinted in Dietrich Schindler and Jiri Toman,
op. cit. (note 10), at 195, 221, 243 andop. cit. (note 10),International Legal, p. 1442 (1977), reprinted in Robertsop. cit. (note 10), p. 481.American Journal of, Vol. 2 (Supp.), 1908, p. 85,The Law of Armed Conflict
Dordrecht, 1988, p. 57. According to the
Commentary on the 1949 Geneva Conventions,
“[t]here is no longer any need for a formal
declaration or war, or for recognition of
the state of war, as preliminaries to the application
of the Convention. The Convention
becomes applicable as from the actual
opening of hostilities.” Jean Pictet (ed.),
, M. Nijhoff,Commentary on the Geneva Convention for
the Amelioration of the Condition of the
Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the
GC I Commentary).
, ICRC, Geneva, 1952, p. 32 (hereinafterRICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 371Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in bellothe meaning of the term.The former define armed conflict as “[a]ny
difference arising between two States and leading to the
armed forces
of war. It makes no difference how long the conflict lasts, or how
much slaughter takes place.”
Additional Protocol I specifies that “humanitarian law… covers any
dispute between two States involving the
Neither the duration of the conflict, nor its intensity, play a role…”.
intervention of… even if one of the Parties denies the existence of a state20 Similarly, the Commentary onuse of their armed forces.21That on Additional Protocol II describes armed conflict as “the existence
of open
greater or lesser degree”.
commitment of armed forces.
But a dispute or difference resulting in the engagement of
armed forces cannot be the sole criterion. Military forces are used on
a regular basis against adversaries without necessarily producing a state
of armed conflict — consider aerial reconnaissance/surveillance operations
as just one example. Furthermore, it is now generally accepted
that isolated incidents such as border clashes or small-scale raids do not
reach the level of armed conflict as that term is employed in humanitarian
of publicists, illustrates that Additional Protocol I’s dismissal of intensity
and duration has proven slightly overstated.
Instead, the reference to armed forces is more logically
understood as a form of prescriptive shorthand for activity of a particular
nature and intensity. At the time when the relevant instruments
were drafted,
hostilities between armed forces which are organized to a22 The sine qua non in all three cases is23 Accordingly, State practice, supplemented by the writingsarmed forces were the entities that conducted the20 GC I Commentary,
pp. 32-33 (emphasis added).
21 Yves Sandoz, Christophe Swinarski and
Bruno Zimmerman (eds),
Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977 to the
Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949
Geneva, 1987, para. 62 (emphasis added)
(hereinafter Additional Protocols: Commentary).
The Commentary on Additional Protocol
II refers back to the commentary on common
Article 3 of the 1949 Conventions and to that
on Additional Protocol I.
22 Additional Protocols: Commentary,
23 See, for example, discussion in Ingrid
Detter De Lupis,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
2000, pp. 20-21; Christopher Greenwood,
“Historical Develop-ment and Legal Basis”, in
Dieter Fleck (ed.),
Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict
University Press, Oxford, 1995, p. 42.
op. cit. (note 19),Commentary on the, ICRC,Ibid., para. 4448, fn 2.op.(note 21), para. 4341 (emphasis added).The Law of War, 2nd ed.,The Handbook of, Oxfordcontemplated activity at the requisite level of intensity; by focusing on
the armed forces, the intended ends were achieved. Restated, the relevant
provisions of the Conventions and their commentaries were
actor-based because citing the actors engaged in the undesirable conduct
— armed forces — was, at the time, a convenient and reliable
method for regulating it.
And what was that conduct? The logical answer is found
in the underlying purposes of humanitarian law.A review of its instruments
and principles makes clear that protecting individuals who are
not involved in the hostilities directly, as well as their property, lies at
their core.
objects, as well as those who are
captured personnel) or provide humanitarian services (e.g. medical
personnel). As for the protection they are entitled to, it is usually
framed in terms of injury or death or, in the case of property, damage
or destruction. These Geneva Law purposes are complemented by
Hague Law norms intended to limit suffering generally through
restrictions on certain weaponry and methods of warfare.
24 Most notably, protected entities include civilians and civilianhors de combat (e.g. wounded or25This excessively abbreviated summary of humanitarian
law’s fundamental purposes elucidates the term armed conflict.Armed
conflict occurs when a group takes measures that injure, kill, damage
or destroy. The term also includes actions intended to cause such
results or which are the foreseeable consequences thereof. Because the
issue is
actions is irrelevant. So too is their wrongfulness or legitimacy. Thus,
for example, the party that commences the armed conflict by committing
such acts may be acting in legitimate anticipatory (or interceptive)
jus in bello rather than ad bellum, the motivation underlying the24 For instance, the Preamble to
Additional Protocol I notes that “it [is] necessary…
to reaffirm and develop the provisions
protecting the victims of armed conflicts and
to supplement measures intended to reinforce
their application...”. Additional Protocol
25 The designation “Geneva Law” refers to
that portion of the law of armed conflict
addressing protected categories of persons:
civilians, prisoners of war, the sick or shipwrecked,
and medical personnel. It is distinguished
from “Hague Law”, which governs
methods and means of combat, occupation,
and neutrality. For a discussion of the international
instruments which fall into each body
of law, and of those which display elements
of both, see Frederic DeMulinen,
on the Law of War for Armed Forces
Geneva, 1987, pp. 3-4.
op. cit. (note 10).Handbook, ICRC,RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 373Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloself-defence; nevertheless, as long as the actions were intended to
injure, kill, damage or destroy, humanitarian law governs them. It
should be noted that given the current weight of opinion, actions that
are sporadic or isolated in nature would not suffice. Additionally,
because the issue is the law applicable to international armed conflict,
the relevant actions must be attributable to a State.
26Returning to the topic at hand, and quite aside from
ad bellumissues, humanitarian law principles apply whenever computer network
attacks can be ascribed to a State are more than merely sporadic
and isolated incidents and are either intended to cause injury, death,
damage or destruction (and analogous effects), or such consequences
are foreseeable. This is so even though classic
employed. By this standard, a computer network attack on a large airport’s
air traffic control system by agents of another State would implicate
humanitarian law. So too would an attack intended to destroy oil
pipelines by surging oil through them after taking control of computers
governing flow,
of its computerized nerve centre, or using computers to trigger a
release of toxic chemicals from production and storage facilities. On the
other hand, humanitarian law would not pertain to disrupting a university
intranet, downloading financial records, shutting down Internet
access temporarily or conducting cyber espionage, because, even if part
of a regular campaign of similar acts, the foreseeable consequences
would not include injury, death, damage or destruction.
It should be apparent that, given advances in methods and
means of warfare, especially information warfare, it is not sufficient to
apply an actor-based threshold for application of humanitarian law;
instead, a consequence-based one is more appropriate.This is hardly a
jurisprudential epiphany. No one would deny, for instance, that biological
or chemical warfare (which does not involve delivery by a kinetic
armed force is not being27 causing the meltdown of a nuclear reactor by manipulation26 On the topic of attribution of an act to a
State, see the Draft Articles on Responsibility
of States for internationally wrongful acts,
adopted by the International Law Commission
at its fifty-third session (2001),
of the General Assembly, Fifty-sixth session
Official Records,Supplement No. 10
27 This possibility was described in
(A/56/10), chp. IV.E.1.President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure
Protection, Critical Foundations: Protecting
America’s Infrastructures
at A-46.
, October 1997,weapon) is subject to humanitarian law. A consequence-based threshold
is also supported by the fact that once armed conflict has commenced
(and except for prohibitions relevant to particular weapons),
the means by which injury, death, damage or destruction are produced
have no bearing on the legality of the causal act. Intentionally targeting
a civilian or other protected persons or objects is unlawful irrespective
of the method or means used. Starvation, suffocation, beating,
shooting, bombing, even cyber attack — all are subject to humanitarian
law owing to the fact that a particular consequence results.That
this is so counters any assertion that, standing alone, cyber attacks are
not subject to humanitarian law because they are not “armed” force.
On the contrary, they may or may not be, depending on their nature
and likely consequences.
Computer network attack targets
As has been discussed, computer network attacks are subject
to humanitarian law if they are part and parcel of either a classic
conflict or a “cyber war” in which injury, death, damage or destruction
are intended or foreseeable. This being so, it is necessary to consider
the targets against which computer network attacks may be directed.
A useful starting point is to frame the conduct that is subject
to the prescriptive norms governing targeting. Because most relevant
Additional Protocol I provisions articulate standards applicable to
Parties and non-Parties (as a restatement of binding customary law)
alike, that instrument serves as an apt point of departure.
the basic rule governing the protection of the civilian population, provides
that “Parties to the conflict… shall direct their operations only
28 Article 48,28 Although not party to Protocol I, the
United States considers many of its provisions
to be declaratory of customary international
law. For a non-official, but generally
considered authoritative, delineation of those
viewed as declaratory, see Michael J. Matheson,
“Session One: The United States Position on
the Relation of Customary International Law
to the 1977 Protocols Additional to the 1949
Geneva Conventions”,
Journal of International Law and Policy
1987, p. 419. See also International &
Operational Law Division, Office of the Judge
Advocate General, Department of the Air
tab 12, no date, and comments by the then
State Department Legal Advisor Abraham
D. Soafer in “Agora: The US Decision Not to
Ratify Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions on
the Protection of War Victims”,
Journal of International Law
p. 784.
American University, Vol. 2,Operations Law Deployment Deskbook,American, Vol. 82, 1988,RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 375Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloagainst military objectives”.
rule out
than purely military objectives. In fact, it does not. In subsequent articles,
proscriptions are routinely expressed in terms of “attacks”.Thus,
“the civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, shall not
be the object of attack”;
limited strictly to military objectives”;
expressly defined in Article 49: “’Attacks’ means acts of violence
against the adversary, whether in offence or in defence.” As a general
matter then, the prohibition is not so much on targeting non-military
objectives as it is on
This interpretation is supported by the text of Article 51, which
sets forth the general principle that the “civilian population and individual
civilians shall enjoy general protection against
from military operations” and prohibits “acts or threats of
primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian
29 At face value,Article 48 would seem toany military operation, including CNA, directed against other30 “civilian objects shall not be the object of31 “indiscriminate attacks are forbidden”;32 “attacks shall be33 and so forth. The term isattacking them, specifically through the use of violence.dangers arisingviolence the29 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 48. The centrality of the principle to
humanitarian law is noted in the ICRC
Commentary thereon:
“The basic rule of protection and distinction
is confirmed in this article. It is the
foundation on which the codification of the
laws and customs of war rests: the civilian
population and civilian objects must be
respected and protected in armed conflict,
and for this purpose they must be distinguished
from combatants and military
objectives. The entire system established
in The Hague in 1899 and 1907 and in
Geneva from 1864 to 1977 is founded on
this rule of customary law. It was already
implicitly recognized in the St. Petersburg
Declaration of 1868 renouncing the use of
certain projectiles, which had stated that
‘the only legitimate object which States
should endeavour to accomplish during
war is to weaken the military forces of the
enemy’. Admittedly this was concerned
with preventing superfluous injury or
unnecessary suffering to combatants by
prohibiting the use of all explosive projectiles
under 400 grammes in weight, and
was not aimed at specifically protecting
the civilian population. However, in this
instrument the immunity of the population
was confirmed indirectly…In the Hague
Conventions of 1899 and 1907, like the
Geneva Conventions of 1929 and 1949, the
rule of protection is deemed to be generally
accepted as a rule of law, though at
that time it was not considered necessary
to formulate it word for word in the texts
themselves. The rule is included in this
Protocol to verify the distinction required
and the limitation of attacks on military
Additional Protocols: Commentary,
op. cit. (note 10),op. cit.(note 21), paras 1863-64.
30 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 51(2).
op. cit. (note 10),Ibid. Art. 52(1).Ibid., Art. 51(4).Ibid., Art. 52(2).population”,
that “the word ‘operation’ should be understood in the context of the
whole of the Section; it refers to military operations during which
34 as well as the Commentary on Article 48, which notesviolenceis used.”
35In light of this interpretation, does computer network
attack fall outside the ambit of “attacks” because it does not employ
violence? No, and for precisely the same reason that armed attacks can
include cyber attacks. “Attacks” is a term of prescriptive shorthand
intended to address specific consequences. It is clear that what the relevant
provisions hope to accomplish is shielding protected individuals
from injury or death and protected objects from damage or destruction.
To the extent that the term “violence” is explicative, it must be
considered in the sense of violent
Significant human physical or mental suffering
in the concept of injury; permanent loss of assets, for instance money,
stock, etc., directly transferable into tangible property likewise constitutes
damage or destruction. The point is that inconvenience, harassment
or mere diminishment in quality of life does not suffice; human
suffering is the requisite criterion.As an example, a major disruption of
the stock market or banking system might effectively collapse the
economy and result in widespread unemployment, hunger, mental
anguish, etc., a reality tragically demonstrated during the Depression of
the 1930s. If it did cause this level of suffering, the CNA would constitute
an attack within the meaning of that term in humanitarian law.
Other articles within the section sustain this reading. For
instance, the rules of proportionality speak of “loss of civilian life,
injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination
thereof ”,
“widespread, long-term, and severe damage”,
dams, dykes and nuclear electrical generating stations is framed in
consequences rather than violent acts.36 is logically included37 those relating to protection of the environment refer to38 and the protection ofRICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 37734
35 Additional Protocols: Commentary,
36 It is reasonable to include human suffering
in the connotation, since the Protocol
prohibits causing terror, which is also a psychological
condition. Additional Protocol I,
Ibid., Arts 51(1) and 51(2) (emphasisop.(note 21), para. 1875 (emphasis added).op. cit.
(note 10), Art. 51(2).Ibid., Arts 51(5)(b); 57(2)(a)(iii); 57(2)(b).Ibid., Arts 35(3) and 55(1).378
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloterms of “severe losses among the civilian population”
be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage
anticipated”. Furthermore, during negotiations on Additional Protocol
I, the issue of whether laying landmines constituted an attack arose.
Most agreed that it did because “there is an attack whenever a person
is directly endangered by a mine laid”.
attack which foreseeably endangers protected persons or property
would amount to an attack.
Let us return now to Article 48. In the context of computer
network attack, and as a general rule (various other specific prohibitions
are discussed below), the article would ban those CNA operations
directed against non-military objectives that are intended to, or
would foreseeably, cause injury, death, damage or destruction. Unless
otherwise prohibited by specific provisions of humanitarian law,CNA
operations unlikely to result in the aforementioned consequences are
permissible against non-military objectives, such as the population.
39 which “would40 By analogy, a computer network41As a result of this distinction, the need to carefully assess whether or
not an information warfare operation is or is not an “attack” is greatly
heightened. In the past, analysis of this matter approximated to a
ipsa loquitor
traditional military operations, thereby demanding a more challenging
consequence-based consideration.
While CNA does dramatically expand the possibilities for
“targeting” (but not attacking) non-military objectives, it is unfair to
characterize this as a weakening of the prescriptive architecture.
Instead, it simply represents an expansion of permissible methods and
means resulting from advances in technology; existing norms remain
intact. Recall, for example, that psychological operations directed
against the civilian population that cause no physical harm are entirely
permissible, so long as they are not intended to terrorize.
resapproach. However, CNA is much more ambiguous than42 This is so39
40 Additional Protocols: Commentary,
41 But see Haslam,
42 Indeed, the United States has even
developed doctrine for the conduct of
psychological operations. Joint Chiefs of
Staff, Joint Doctrine for Psychological
Operations, Joint Publication 3-53, 10 July
1996. Actions intended to terrorize the civilian
population are prohibited by Additional
Protocol I,
Ibid., Art. 56(1).op.. (note 21), para. 1881.op. cit. (note 9), p. 173.op. cit. (note 10), Art. 51(2).whether the motivation for the operations is military in nature or not.
Nevertheless, although the objective regime is a constant, the advent of
CNA reveals a normative lacuna that, unless filled, will inevitably result
in an expansion of war’s impact on the civilian population.
Assuming that a CNA operation is an “attack,” what can
be targeted? Analytically, potential targets can be classified into three
broad categories: 1) combatants and military objectives; 2) civilians and
civilian objects; and 3) dual-use objects. Moreover, particular types of
potential targets enjoy specific protection. It is useful to address each
grouping separately.
Combatants and military objectives
Combatants and military objectives are by nature valid targets
and may be directly attacked as long as the method and means
used, as discussed in the next section, are consistent with humanitarian
law restrictions.Those who plan or decide on attacks have an affirmative
duty to “do everything feasible” to verify that intended targets are
legitimate, i.e. that they do not enjoy immunity from attack under
humanitarian law.
43A combatant is a member of the armed forces other than
medical personnel and chaplains; armed forces include “all organized
43 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 57(2)(a)(i). The commentary on this provision
further explains the obligation.
“Admittedly, those who plan or decide
upon such an attack will base their decision
on information given them, and they
cannot be expected to have personal
knowledge of the objective to be attacked
and of its exact nature. However, this does
not detract from their responsibility, and in
case of doubt, even if there is only slight
doubt, they must call for additional information
and if need be give orders for further
reconnaissance to those of their
subordinates and those responsible for
supportive weapons (particularly artillery
and air force) whose business this is, and
who are answerable to them. In the case of
long-distance attacks, information will be
obtained in particular from aerial reconnaissance
and from intelligence units,
which will of course attempt to gather
information about enemy military objectives
by various means. The evaluation of
the information obtained must include a
serious check of its accuracy, particularly
as there is nothing to prevent the enemy
from setting up fake military objectives or
camouflaging the true ones. In fact it is
clear that no responsible military commander
would wish to attack objectives which
were of no military interest. In this respect
humanitarian interests and military interests
Additional Protocols: Commentary,
op. cit. (note 10),op. cit.(note 21), para. 2195.
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 379Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloarmed forces, groups and units which are under a command responsible
to [a Party to the conflict] for the conduct of its subordinates…
[They must] be subject to an internal disciplinary system which,
applicable in armed conflict”.
against combatants, for instance by causing a military air traffic control
system to transmit false navigational information in order to cause a
military troop transport to crash, is clearly permissible.
Military objectives are defined in Article 52 of Additional
Protocol I as “those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or
use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total
or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances
ruling at the time, offers a definite advantage”.
and facilities, other than medical and religious items, are clearly military
objectives, and thereby subject to direct computer network attack.
However, determining which objects are military objectives beyond
these obvious exemplars is often difficult.
the required nexus between the object to be attacked and military
The crux of the dilemma is interpretation of the terms
“effective” and “definite”. Some, such as the International Committee
of the Red Cross (ICRC), define them very narrowly. According to
the ICRC Commentary on the Protocol, effective contribution
includes objects “directly used by the armed forces” (e.g.weapons and
equipment), locations of “special importance for military operations”
(e.g. bridges), and objects intended for use or being used for military
excludes attacks that offer only a “potential or indeterminate” advantage.
inter, shall enforce compliance with the rules of international law44 Directing computer network attacks45 Military equipment46 The problem lies in ascertaining47 As to “definite military advantage”. the Commentary48
By contrast, the United States, which does not dispute the44 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 43(1)-(2).
46 Indeed, the Commentary states that:
“The text of this paragraph certainly constitutes
a valuable guide, but it will not always
be easy to interpret, particularly for those
who have to decide about an attack and on
the means and methods to be used”.
Additional Protocols: Commentary,
op. cit. (note 10),Ibid., Art. 52(2).op. cit.(note 21), para. 2016.
Ibid., paras 2020-23.Ibid., para. 2024.wording of the definition, would include economic targets that “indirectly
but effectively support and sustain the enemy’s war-fighting
capability”, a particularly expansive interpretation.
49This difference has interesting implications for computer
network attack. Can a banking system be attacked because wealth
underpins a military’s sustainability? What about the ministry responsible
for taxation? The stock market? Are attacks on brokerage firms
acceptable because they will undermine willingness to invest in the
economy? If a country disproportionately relies on a particular industry
to provide export income (e.g. oil), can computer network attack
be used to disrupt production and distribution? The issue of striking
economic targets is a particularly acute one because the operation of
most is computer-intense in nature and hence very appealing to information
warfare targeteers.
The threshold issue, to revert to the discussion above, is
whether or not the attack would cause injury, death, damage or
destruction. Once this determination is made, the differing interpretations
of military objective would come into play, in all likelihood leading
to disparate results on the legitimacy of striking the target. On the
other hand, if the operation were designed to cause, for example, mere
incon-venience, it would not rise to the level of an attack and would
thus be permissible regardless of the target’s nexus, or lack thereof, to
military operations. For instance, if the Serbian State television station
had been targeted by CNA rather than kinetic weapons during
NATO strikes on Belgrade in April 1999, there might well have been
no consequent injury, death, damage or destruction. In that circumstance,
criticism on the basis that a civilian target had been hit would
probably have fallen on deaf ears and thereby avoided the resulting
49 US Navy/Marine Corps/Coast Guard,
The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of
Naval Operations
COMDTPUB P5800.7), para 8.1.1 (1995),
reprinted as an annotated version in
War College’s International Law Studies
assertion is labelled a “statement of customary
international law”. The Handbook
cites General Counsel, Department of
Defense, Letter of 22 September 1972,
(NWP 1-14M, MCWP 5-2.1,US Naval, Vol. 73 (hereinafter Handbook). Thisreprinted in American Journal of International
this characterization.
, Vol. 67, 1973, p. 123, as the basis forRICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 381Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in bellonegative publicity, as well as the litigation in the European Court of
Human Rights.
50Civilians and civilian objects
Civilians are those persons who are not considered combatants,
whereas a civilian object is one that is not a military objective.52
nearly absolute. Specifically,Additional Protocol I stipulates:
Article 51(2) “The civilian population as such, as well as individual
civilians shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of
violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror
among the civilian population are prohibited.”
Article 52 “Civilian objects shall not be the object of attack or of
The prohibition on attacking civilians and civilian objects is53Doubts as to the character of an object or individual are to
be resolved in favour of a finding of civilian status.
of computer network attack, the threshold question is whether or not
the attack is intended to, or foreseeably will, cause injury, death, damage
or destruction; if so, the prohibitions set forth earlier, which undeniably
restate existing customary law, apply.
Unfortunately, the norms, albeit clear at first sight, are subject
to interpretative difficulties. The differing standards for distinguishing
civilian objects from military objectives have already been
highlighted. Similar disparities exist with regard to when a civilian
may be attacked. Additional Protocol I allows for this possibility only
54 Again, in the case50
Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom
App. No. 52207/99 (2001). In its decision of
12 December 2001, the Court found the application
51 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 50(1).
the International Criminal Court also prohibits
the direct targeting of civilians or civilian
objects. Rome Statute for the International
Criminal Court, Art. 8(2)(b)(i) and (ii), UN Doc.
A/Conf. 183/9, July 17, 1998, at Annex II
(hereinafter Rome Statute), reprinted in
Bankovic & Others v. Belgium, the, ECHR,op. cit. (note 10),Ibid., Art. 52(1).Ibid., Art. 51(2) and 52. The Statute forInternational Legal Materials
(1998) and M. Cherif Bassiouni,
of the International Criminal Court: A Documentary
New York, 1999, p. 39.
(for civilian objects).
56 Letter from DAJA-IA to Counselor
for Defense Research and Engineering
(Economics), Embassy of the Federal
Republic of Germany (22 January 1988), cited
in W.H. Parks, “Air War and the Law of War”,
, Vol. 37, p. 999The Statute, Transnational Publishers,Ibid., Arts 50(1) (for civilians) and 52(3)Ibid., Art. 51(3); Additional Protocols:op. cit. (note 21), para. 1944.Air Force Law Review
57 GC III,
, Vol. 32, 1992, p. 1.op. cit. (note 14), Art. 4(4).RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 383in the case of a civilian taking a “direct part in hostilities”, a standard
described in the Commentary as “acts of war which by their nature or
purpose are likely to cause actual harm to the personnel or equipment
of the enemy armed forces”.
Some would limit civilian immunity even more severely by, for
instance, characterizing mission-essential civilians working at a base
during hostilities, though not engaged directly in acts of war, as legitimate
55 This is the illegal combatant problem.56In the context of information operations, the civilian issue
is an important one. Some countries have elected to contract out
information warfare functions, whether those functions involve the
maintenance of assets or the conduct of operations. Moreover, computer
network attack is a function that may be tasked to government
agencies other than the military. In the event of civilian contractors or
non-military personnel being in a support role that is essential to the
conduct of operations, for instance maintaining CNA equipment, by
the latter interpretation they would be directly targetable. Further,
because they are valid targets, any injury caused them would not be
calculated when assessing whether an attack is proportional (see discussion
above). On the other hand, narrowly applying the “direct part
in hostilities” standard would preserve the protection they enjoy as
civilians, though if captured they would be entitled to prisoner-of-war
status as persons “accompanying the armed forces”.
57Should civilians engage in a computer network attack
themselves, the problem becomes more complex. If the CNA results,
or foreseeably could result, in injury, death, damage or destruction,
then the “perpetrators” would be illegal combatants. This status
attaches because they have taken a direct part in hostilities without
complying with the criteria for characterization as a combatant. As
illegal combatants, they may be directly attacked, any injury suffered
by them would be irrelevant in a proportionality calculation, and in
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in bellothe event of their capture they would not be entitled to prisoner-ofwar
Conversely, if the civilians involved were conducting computer
network operations that did not reach the level of “attacks”, they
would not be illegal combatants because they would have committed
no “acts of war that by their nature or purpose are likely to cause
actual harm to the personnel or equipment of the enemy armed
forces”. Their civilian status and its corresponding protections would
remain intact. Nevertheless, as with support personnel, if attached to a
military unit and accompanying that unit these civilians would be
classed as prisoners of war.
being used to conduct the operations might well be valid military
objectives and, as a result, be subject to attack; but the operators themselves
could not be directly attacked.
As should be apparent, the use of civilians, whether contractors
or government employees, is fraught with legal pitfalls. Clearly,
a prudent approach would be to employ military personnel for information
warfare purposes.
58 Of course, the facility and equipmentDual-use objects
A dual-use object is one that serves both civilian and military
purposes. Examples of common dual-use objects (or objectives)
include airports, rail lines, electrical systems, communications systems,
factories that produce items for both the military and the civilian population
and satellites such as INTELSAT, EUROSAT and ARABSAT,
etc. If an object is being used for military purposes, it is a military
objective vulnerable to attack, including computer network attack.This
is true even if the military purposes are secondary to the civilian ones.
Several caveats are in order. First, whether or not an object
is a military objective may turn on whether the narrow or broad definition
of the term, a matter discussed above, is used. Second, whether
an object is dual-use, and therefore a military objective,will depend on
the nature of the specific conflict.An airfield may be utilized for logistics
purposes in one conflict, but serve no military function in another.
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 38559 Additional Protocol I,
Art. 56(1). This prohibition extends to attacks
on other military objectives in their vicinity if
the attack might cause such a release. There
are exceptions to the general prohibition of
the article.
“2. The special protection against attack
provided by paragraph 1 shall cease:
(a) for a dam or a dyke only if it is used for
other than its normal function and in regular,
significant and direct support of military
operations and if such attack is the only feasible
way to terminate such support;
(b) for a nuclear electrical generating
station only if it provides electric power in
regular, significant and direct support of
military operations and if such attack is
the only feasible way to terminate such
(c) for other military objectives located at
or in the vicinity of these works or installations
only if they are used in regular, significant
and direct support of military operations
and if such attack is the only feasible
way to terminate such support.”
op. cit. (note 10),Ibid.
, Art. 56(2).Ibid., Art. 54(2). See also Rome Statute,op. cit.
(note 53), Art. 8(2)(b)(xxv).Third, an object that has the potential for military usage, but is currently
used solely for civilian purposes, is a military objective if the likelihood
of military use is reasonable and not remote in the context of
the particular conflict under way. Finally, dual-use objects must be carefully
measured against the requirements of discrimination and proportionality,
discussed above, because by definition an attack thereon risks
collateral damage and incidental injury to civilians or civilian objects.
Specifically protected objects
In addition to the general rules regarding the protection of
the civilian population, certain objects enjoy specific protection. A
controversial category of specially protected objects is dams, dykes and
nuclear electrical generating stations. Because of their reliance on
computers and computer networks, such facilities are especially vulnerable
to CNA. Article 56 of Additional Protocol I, a provision
opposed by the United States, forbids an attack on these facilities if the
attack might “cause the release of dangerous forces [e.g. water or
radioactivity] and consequent severe losses among the civilian population”.
Interestingly, CNA offers a fairly reliable means of neutralizing such
facilities without risking the release of dangerous forces, a difficult task
when using kinetic weapons.
Conducting attacks that starve the civilian population or
otherwise deny it “indispensable objects”,
This prohibition applies even if they are military objectives.60 even if enemy armed386
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloforces are the intended “victims”, is prohibited.
include such items as foodstuffs, crops, livestock or drinking water.
Under this restriction, computer network attacks against, for instance,
a food storage and distribution system or a water treatment plant serving
the civilian population would not be permissible even if military
forces also rely on them.
Additional Protocol I furthermore prohibits military
operations likely to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to
the environment,
provision as a restatement of customary law. Computer network
attacks might conceivably cause such devastation. An attack on a
nuclear reactor could result in a meltdown of its core and consequent
release of radioactivity. Similarly, CNA could be used to release chemicals
from a storage or production facility or rupture a major oil
pipeline. Many other possibilities for causing environmental damage
through CNA exist. It is important to note that the prohibition applies
regardless of whether or not the attack is targeted against a valid military
objective and even if it complies with the principle of proportionality.
Once the requisite quantum of damage is expected to occur,
the operation is prohibited.
Finally, it must be noted that there are a number of other
objects, persons and activities that enjoy special protected status and
are susceptible to computer network attack, but do not present unique
CNA opportunities or challenges.These should be handled during the
targeting cycle in the same manner as they would be in the planning
61 Indispensable objects62 although the United States does not recognize the61 Additional Protocols: Commentary,
op. cit.
does not apply to objects used solely
for the sustenance of enemy forces or “in
direct support of military action”. Additional
Protocol I,
example of the latter would be an agricultural
area used for cover by military forces.
the issue of environmental damage during
armed conflict, see Jay E. Austin and Carl E.
Bruch (eds),
of War: Legal, Economic, and Scientific
Cambridge, 2000; Michael N. Schmitt, “Green
War: An Assessment of the Environmental Law
of International Armed Conflict”,
of International Law
Richard J. Grunawalt, John E. King and Ronald
S. McClains (eds),
during Armed Conflict and other Military
Law Studies, Vol. 69, 1996.
(note 21), para. 2110. However, the prohibitionop. cit. (note 10), Art. 54(3). AnIbid., Arts 35(3) and 55. See also Romeop. cit. (note 53), Art. 8(2)(b)(iv). OnThe Environmental Consequences, Cambridge University Press,Yale Journal, Vol. 22, 1997, pp. 1-109;Protection of the Environment, US Naval War College InternationalRICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 38763 For example, military and civilian medical
units and supplies are exempt from attack
unless being used for military purposes.
Additional Protocol I,
There are specific criteria for the extension of
protection to civilian facilities.
See also Rome Statute,
Art. 8(2)(b)(ix) and (xxv). Medical transport
enjoys similar protection. Additional Protocol
varies, depending on the category of
transportation and its location. Other objects
enjoying protection include cultural objects,
places of worship and civil defence shelters,
facilities and material.
62(3). In addition, humanitarian relief activities
must not be interfered with.
Special provisions as to when such operations
are entitled to the protection apply. Rome
these prohibitions, for example, a computer
network attack to alter blood type information
in a hospital’s data bank, deny power to a
bomb shelter or oemisroute humanitarian
relief supplies would all be unlawful. Of
course, misuse of protected items or locations
for military purposes renders them valid military
objectives that may be attacked.
64 Reprisals are otherwise unlawful actions
taken during armed conflict in response to an
adversary’s own unlawful conduct. They must
be designed solely to cause the adversary to
act lawfully, be preceded by a warning (if feasible),
be proportionate to the adversary’s violation,
and cease as soon as the other side
complies with the legal limitations on its
conduct. The right to conduct reprisals has
been severely restricted in treaty law, much of
which expresses customary law. There are specific
prohibitions on reprisals conducted
against civilians; prisoners of war; the
wounded, sick and shipwrecked; medical and
religious personnel and their equipment;
protected buildings, equipment and vessels;
civilian objects; cultural objects; objects indispensable
for the survival of the civilian population;
works containing dangerous forces; and
the environment. GC I,
Art. 46; GC II,
op. cit. (note 10), Art. 12.Ibid., Art. 12(2).op. cit. (note 53),op. cit., Arts 21-31. The extent of the protectionIbid., Arts 53 andIbid., Art. 70.op. cit. (note 53), Art. 8(2)(b)(iii). Byop. cit. (note 14),op. cit. (note 14), Art. 47; GC III,op. cit.
(note 14), Art. 13; GC IV, op. cit.(note 14), Art. 33; Additional Protocol I,
op. cit.(note 10), Arts 20, 51-56. In fairness, it should
be acknowledged that certain countries argue
that the Additional Protocol I restrictions on
reprisals fail to reflect customary law. The
United States, while accepting that most reprisals
against civilians would be inappropriate
(and illegitimate), asserts that the absolute
prohibition thereon “removes a significant
deterrent that presently protects civilians and
other war victims on all sides of the conflict”.
US position on reprisals against civilians, see
Handbook, The United Kingdom issued a reservation
on precisely the same point when it
became party to the Protocol. Reprinted on the
International Committee of the Red Cross
Treaty Database website,
have adopted this position, reprisatory computer
network attacks are issues of policy, not law.
op. cit. (note 28), p. 470. For the officialop. cit. (note 49), paras 6.2.3 and<http://www.icrc.>. For these and other countries thatof kinetic attacks.
objects or individuals in reprisal, including reprisals by computer
network attack.
63 In addition, there are limitations on striking certain64388
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloLimits on striking legitimate targets
The core prescriptions on striking legitimate targets are
based on the principle of discrimination.
most clearly expresses humanitarian law’s balancing of State-centric
interests in resorting to force against the more broadly based human
interest in shielding non-participants from the effects of what is, at
best, an unfortunate necessity.
The discrimination requirement is twofold. Applied to
weapons, it prohibits the use of those that are incapable of distinguishing
between combatants and military objectives on the one hand and
civilians, civilian objects and other protected entities on the other.
Applied to tactics and the use of weapons, it requires that an effort be
made to distinguish between these two categories, civilian and military,
when conducting military operations. Additional Protocol I articulates
this difference in Article 51(4):
“Indiscriminate attacks are: (a) those which are not directed at a
specific military objective; (b) those which employ a method or
means of combat which cannot be directed at a specific military
objective; or (c) those which employ a method or means of
combat the effects of which cannot be limited as required by this
Protocol; and consequently, in each such case, are of a nature to
strike military objectives and civilians or civilian objects without
Subparagraph (a) refers to indiscriminate use, whereas (b)
and (c) describe indiscriminate weapons or tactics.The indiscriminate
use aspect of discrimination consists of three related components —
distinction, proportionality, and minimizing collateral damage and
incidental injury.
65 It is this principle which6665 For a comprehensive review of the principle,
see Esbjörn Rosenblad,
Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict: Some
Aspects of the Principle of Distinction and
Related Problems
Geneva, 1979.
66 This typology is adopted from
Christopher Greenwood, “The Law of Weaponry
at the Start of the New Millennium”, in
Michael N. Schmitt and Leslie C. Green (eds),
International, Henry Dunant Institute,The Law of Armed Conflict: Into the Next
1998, p. 185; also published in
College International Law Studies
1998. By contrast, the US Air Force employs
the categories of military necessity, humanity
and chivalry, with proportionality folded into
necessity, whereas the US Navy uses
, Naval War College, Newport, RI,US Naval War, Vol. 71,RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 389necessity, humanity and chivalry. Compare
Department of the Air Force,
Law: The Conduct of Armed Conflict and
Air Operations
at 1-5 – 1-6 with Handbook,
para. 5-1.
67 Additional Protocols: A Commentary,
International, AF Pamphlet 110-31, 1976,op. cit. (note 49),op. cit.
(note 21), para. 1957.Indiscriminate weapons
Computer network attacks are mounted by a weapon system
consisting of a computer, a computer code and a means by which
that code is transmitted. Obviously, the computer itself is not indiscriminate
for it can very discreetly send code to particular computers
and networks. The sending of e-mail is an apt example. By contrast,
code can be written that is very, perhaps intentionally, indiscriminate.
The classic example is a virus that passes, free of any control by its
originator, from computer to computer. Because the code, even if it is
an uncontrollable virus, can be targeted at particular military objectives,
it is not indiscriminate on the ground that it cannot be directed.
However, such code may be indiscriminate in that its
limited. In many cases, once a viral code is launched against a target
computer or network, the attacker will have no way to limit its subsequent
retransmission.This may be true even in a closed network, for
the virus could, for instance, be transferred into it by diskette. Simply
put, a malicious code likely to be uncontrollably spread throughout
civilian systems is prohibited as an indiscriminate weapon.
Care must be taken not to overstate the restriction. Note
that Article 51(4) cites “methods and means of combat”. A means of
combat is defined in the Commentary on Additional Protocol I as a
“weapon”, whereas a method of combat is the way in which a weapon
is used.
used to
law term “attacks” it follows that computer code is part of a
weapon system only when it can cause the effects encompassed by that
term — injury, death, damage and destruction (including related
effects such as severe mental suffering, terror, etc.). In the event it cannot,
it is not part of a weapon system, and thus would not be prohibited,
at least not on the ground that it is indiscriminate.
effects cannot be67 The plain meaning of “weapon” is something that can beattack an adversary. From the above analysis of the humanitarian390
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in belloDistinction
The principle of distinction, unquestionably part of customary
humanitarian law, is set forth in Additional Protocol I, Article
48: “[T]he Parties to the conflict shall at all times distinguish
between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian
objects and military objectives and accordingly shall direct their operations
only against military objectives”. Whereas the prohibition of
direct attacks on civilians rendered a specific category of potential targets
off-limits, the distinction requirement extends protection to cases
in which an attack may not be directed against civilian or civilian
objectives specifically, but in which there is a high likelihood of striking
them nonetheless. An example would be firing a weapon blindly,
although that weapon is capable of being aimed.
This is a particularly relevant prohibition in the context of
computer network attack. For example, it would embrace situations
where it is possible to discreetly target a military objective through a
particular means of CNA, but instead a broad attack likely to affect
civilian systems is launched. Such an attack would be analogous to the
Iraqi SCUD missile attacks against Saudi and Israeli population centres
during the 1990-91 Gulf War.
weapon. Indeed, it is easily capable of being aimed with sufficient
accuracy against, for instance, military formations in the desert.
However, the use of SCUDS against population centres was indiscriminate
even if the Iraqi intent was to strike military objectives situated
therein; the likelihood of striking protected persons and objects so
outweighed that of hitting legitimate targets that the use was inadmissible.
Given the interconnection of computer systems today, computer
network attacks could readily be launched in an analogous fashion.
68 The SCUD is not an inherently indiscriminateProportionality
that of distinction. Distinction limits direct attacks on protected persons
or objects and those in which there is culpable disregard for
distinguishes the principle of proportionality from68 On the attacks, see US Department of
Defense, “Conduct of the Persian Gulf War”,
Title V Report to Congress, 1992, p. 63,
reprinted in 31
1992, p. 612.
International Legal Materials,RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 39169 An expanded discussion is in Michael
N. Schmitt, “Bellum Americanum: The US
View of Twenty-First Century War and its
Possible Implications for the Law of Armed
70 Additional Protocol I,
Arts 51(5)(a) and 57(2)(a)(iii) and (b). On proportionality,
see William J. Fenrick, “The Rule
of Proportionality and Protocol Additional I in
Conventional Warfare”,
Vol. 98, 1982, p. 91; Judith G. Gardam,
“Proportionality and Force in International
Vol. 87, 1993, p. 391.
71 Additional Protocols: A Commentary,
Michigan Journal of International, Vol. 19, 1998, p. 1051, pp. 1080-81.op. cit. (note 10),Military Law Review,American Journal of International Law,op. cit.
72 A number of understandings/declarations/
reservations have been issued on this
point by parties to the Protocol. For instance,
the United Kingdom made the following
reservation when ratifying Additional
Protocol I in 1998: “In the view of the United
Kingdom, the military advantage anticipated
from an attack is intended to refer to the
advantage anticipated from the attack considered
as a whole and not only from isolated
or particular parts of the attack”. ICRC website,
(note 21), para. 2209.op. cit.
(note 64).civilian consequences. Conversely, proportionality governs those situations
in which harm to protected persons or objects is the foreseeable
consequence of an attack, but not its intended purpose.The principle
is most often violated (sometimes in an unintended but culpably negligent
fashion) as a result of: 1) lack of sufficient knowledge or understanding
of what is being attacked; 2) an inability to surgically craft the
amount of “force” being applied against a target; and 3) the inability to
ensure the weapon strikes the intended target with complete accuracy.
network attack.
As set forth in Additional Protocol I, an attack is indiscriminate
as violating the principle of proportionality when it “may be
expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians,
damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be
excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage
close[;] … advantages which are hardly perceptible and those
which would only appear in the long term should be disregarded”.
All three pitfalls could be encountered in the context of computer70 A concrete and direct advantage is “substantial and relatively71Moreover, the advantage calculated is that resulting from the overall
operation, not the individual attack itself.
72Basically, the principle of proportionality calls for striking
a balance — a task that is especially difficult to accomplish because differing
entities (suffering and damage v. military advantage) are being
weighed against each other without a common system of valuation.
73Complicating matters is the fact that the answers to these and similar
questions, assuming that there are any “right” answers, are contextual
because the military advantage resulting from an attack always depends
on the state of hostilities at the time.
putting principle into practice, the Commentary on Additional
Protocol I notes that “[p]utting these provisions into practice… will
require complete good faith on the part of the belligerents, as well as
the desire to conform with the general principle of respect for the
civilian population”.
74 Acknowledging the difficulty of75Further complicating matters is the issue of knock-on
effects, i.e. those effects not directly and immediately caused by the
attack, but nevertheless the product thereof — it is the problem of the
effects caused by the effects of an attack. The most cited example is
that of the attack on the Iraqi electrical grid during the 1990-91 Gulf
War. Although it successfully disrupted Iraqi command and control,
the attack also denied electricity to the civilian population (a “firsttier”
effect), thereby affecting hospitals, refrigeration, emergency
response, etc. Similarly, when NATO struck at Yugoslavia’s electrical
supply network during Operation “Allied Force”, one consequence
was to shut down drinking water pumping stations.
gave rise, as a knock-on effect, to “second-tier” suffering of the population.
Obviously, precisely the same effects could have resulted had the
attacks been conducted through CNA. Indeed, the problem of knock-
76 Such attacks392
Wired warfare: Computer network attack and jus in bello73 For instance, how should civilian passenger
lives be weighed against military aircraft
in a computer network attack on an air
traffic control system? How much human suffering
is acceptable when shutting down an
electrical grid that serves both military and
civilian purposes? Can computer network
attacks be conducted against telecommunications
if they result in degrading emergency
response services for the civilian population?
74 An additional problem is that the valuation
process itself is complex. For instance,
culture may determine the value placed on an
item or the value of an item may shift over
time. The issue of valuation paradigms is
explored, in the context of environmental
damage during armed conflict, more fully
in Michael N. Schmitt, “War and the Environment:
Fault Lines in the Prescriptive Landscape”,
Archiv des Völkerrechts
1999, p. 25.
75 Additional Protocols: Commentary,
76 “NATO Denies Targeting Water Supplies”,
BBC World Online Network, 24 May 1999,
, Vol. 37,op.(note 21), para. 1978.<
/europe/newsid_351000/351780.stm>.on effects looms much larger in computer network attacks than in
kinetic attacks owing to the interconnectivity of computers, particularly
between military and civilian systems.
Knock-on effects have a bearing on proportionality analysis
because they must be considered when balancing collateral damage
and incidental injury against military advantage. Unfortunately, when
caused by computer network attack such damage and injury, whether
direct or indirect, are difficult to assess without knowing how the
computer systems involved function and to which other systems they
are linked. Despite this obstacle, planners and decision-makers have an
affirmative duty to attempt to avoid collateral damage and incidental
injury whenever feasible, a duty that necessarily implies an effort to
ascertain the damage or injury likely to result from an attack.
the complexity of computer network attack, the high probability of an
impact on civilian systems and the relatively low understanding of its
nature and effects on the part of those charged with ordering the
attacks, computer experts will have to be available to assess potential
collateral and incidental effects throughout the mission-planning
conducted for nuclear weapons, would prove invaluable in identifying
possible knock-on effects; to conduct them prior to the outbreak of
hostilities — free from the fog, friction and pace of war — would be
well advised.
77 Given78 Additionally, modelling and simulation, like those alreadyMinimizing collateral damage and incidental injury
The determination of proportionality establishes
whether a military objective may be attacked at all. However, even if
the selected target is legitimate and the planned attack thereon
would be proportional, the attacker has an obligation to select that
method or means of warfare likely to cause the least collateral damage
and incidental injury, all other things being equal (such as risk to
the forces conducting the attack, likelihood of success, weapons
77 See generally Additional Protocol I,
op. cit.
78 The US Joint Warfare Analysis Center,
headquartered at Naval Surface warfare
Center, Dahlgren, Va., is currently engaged in
modelling foreign infrastructures and contingent
(note 10), Art. 57.RICR
Juin IRRC June 2002 Vol. 84 No 846 393inventory, etc.).
military objectives that can be attacked to achieve a desired result, the
attack which carries the lowest risk of collateral damage and incidental
injury must be chosen.
79 Furthermore, whenever a choice is possible between80The availability of computer network attack actually
increases the options for minimizing collateral damage and incidental
injury.Whereas in the past physical destruction may have been necessary
to neutralize a target’s contribution to the enemy’s efforts, now it
may be possible to simply “turn it off ”. For instance, rather than
bombing an airfield, air traffic control can be interrupted.The same is
true of power production and distribution systems, communications,
industrial plants, and so forth.Those who plan and execute such operations
must still be concerned about collateral damage, incidental
injury and knock-on effects (consider the Iraqi electric grid example
above), but the risks associated with conducting classic kinetic warfare
are mitigated significantly through CNA. Also, depending on the
desired result, it may be possible to simply interrupt operation of the
target facility.This tactic would be particularly attractive in the case of
dual-use objectives. Consider an electrical grid. It might only be militarily
necessary to shut the system down for a short period, for example
immediately preceding and during an assault.The system could be
brought back on track as soon as the pressing need for its suspension is
over, thereby limiting the negative effects on the civilian population.
Similarly, because targets are not physically damaged and thus do not
need to be repaired or rebuilt, the civilian population’s return to normalcy
at the end of the conflict would be facilitated.